Exploring A World of Culture, Oil and Golf with David Allard

BLP David Allard | A World of Culture, Oil and Golf

  1980 was one of the largest booms ever in the oil and gas business, and David Allard was in the right place at the right time. David just got out of college with a Geology degree and was lucky enough to get a job with only a BS degree and covered twenty plus countries…

The Science Of Pivot with Adam Markel

BLP Markel | The Science Of Pivot

We’re living in an age of disruption and transformation. If you’re not innovating ahead of that change, you end up like a lot of famous or once famous companies that don’t exist anymore. Adam Markel, bestselling author of Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life, serves a community of business leaders…

Redefining Comfort Through Xero Shoes With Steven Sashen

BLP Steven Sashen | Xero Shoes

  You’ve been on your feet all day. Maybe you just finished a long run or a long workout. You come home and you kick off your shoes. You look at your toes. Do you feel better? Probably not, if you’ve chosen to wear the wrong shoes. For the last 50 years, performance footwear has…

How To Leverage Technology Using Payroll Vault With Sean Manning

BLP 000 | Payroll Vault

Payroll services are evolving and Payroll Vault’s Sean Manning is changing history as we know it. With better benefit packages, clear scheduling, and leveraging technology for your business goals, Payroll Vault is on the rise to make payroll for people again. Is there more to the CEO beyond the company figurehead? How can you make…