Creating The Path To Higher Valuation with CEO/Partner Sean Hutchinson

BLP Sean | Transition Readiness

Many business owners flinch when hearing the word “transition.” The reason is how, for so long, it has been associated with the death of the business. CEO and Partner of SVA Value Accelerators Sean Hutchinson says otherwise. In fact, he believes that it is the path to higher valuation, making the business more valuable. With…

Kevin Stoffel And Brent Hultman From Strong People Systems

BLP Kevin | Strong People Systems

  We often hear the saying, “Your business is just as good as the people in it,” yet many businesses still fail at finding the right kind of people in their team. As a result, they lag behind in efficiency and productivity. Kevin Stoffel and Brent Hultman from Strong People Systems give an overview of…

Visual Branding: Telling Your Story Through Imagery with Shelly Au

BLP Shelly | Visual Branding

  According to Seth Godin, marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make but about the stories you tell. One such powerful way of telling that story is through photos and images. Professional photographer Shelly Au talks about imagery and visual work, having a business focused on creating high-quality headshots and visual branding.…

Women On Board with Jo Lynne Whiting

BLP Jo | Women On Board

More than having such caring and nurturing hands, women nowadays have also demonstrated their power and strength on the business and corporate side. Jo Lynne Whiting, the Board Chair of the Women’s Leadership Foundation, believes that having more women on board is critical to the success of companies. She talks about how women can become…