Greyledge CEO Dave Karli MD, Biotech Startup & Optimizing the Process of Regenerative Medicine
Greyledge Technology is a biotech company that works with the patient’s own tissue samples. They take a tissue from you, typically blood or bone marrow tissue, and they manipulate that into a sample in a therapeutic that’s placed back either via injection, or as part of the surgical technique where our surgeon implants it.… Effective efficient resources and strategies to grow your business with CEO John Harris
When you’re running an organization, you’re obviously going to face challenges that you’d rather delegate to an expert solutions third party. One such company is Online Advisor, which specializes in providing immediate solutions to your problems. For example, advanced bookkeeping or accounting is not a forte for many small business owners. John Harris, CEO of…
Joseph Cheung, CEO Toggle Describes Cyber Security Steps for Businesses
There is no such thing as a safe place. Given all the recent occurrences of hacking and penetration in Yahoo, Experian and other tech giants, it’s high time we look at business cyber security as an increasingly urgent issue. Joseph Cheung talks about the issue and the broad-term challenges with cyber security. What information are…